Category: Florists Category: Florists
Address: 302 Bolton Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 4HY
Landline: 01254 5...
Landline: 020 866...
: 01254 53393
Website: Visit Website
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We are a well established family run florist specialising in both Wedding flowers & Funeral tributes. Same day delivery available on boquets and arrangements. Telephone orders welcome and payment via all major cridit cards accepted. Corporate accounts available on request.
Trade Bodies / Associations Federation of Small Businesses
Specialist Services Weding studio and consulting room.
Ewood Florists has been established near Ewood Park,for over 50 years specialising in Funeral tributes which are designed with empathy, helping you with your choice at your time of sorrow. We also offer Traditional or Contemporary floral bouquets and Wedding Flowers are designed with you in mind. these can all be tailored to your individual requirements. Gifts, silk flowers,planted arrangements and helium filled foil balloons. Major credit cards accepted.